November 12, 2011

CMYK : Splash photography on the cheap

The last time I used my new whitebox was when I dismantled my cousin's computer, which by the way is still dead and going nowhere near working again.

After lazing around for the whole day doing nothing, I realised it has been quite a while since I used my whitebox for some high speed photography. I looked around for some subject when I found my Epson's color refills!

I used a couple of CFL lamps to illuminate the whitebox and propped my camera on the tripod with my favorite 50mm Minolta mounted.

And since I don't have a remote shutter or a reliable assistant handy. Timing the droplets to get a nice shot was practically impossible. So I settled for just the cloud images.

I'm not sure if it's a focus calibration issue but tweaking the focus for sharpness proved to be a frustrating ordeal today. The autofocus wouldn't lock and manual was too wobbly and inaccurate.

Tools used:

-DIY Whitebox
- 2 CFL Lamps
- Vivitar tripod
- ACDSee 3
- Picasa for Collages

Some of the better shots below:


Kriti said...

wao! good work.......bahut ache pics hain. It must be needing perfect timing and all na..........great yaar.

Aziz Siddiqui said...

@Kriti: Thanks! did take a lot of retakes.
Thanks for're my only critique now :-p