October 2, 2010

C up C down

College life sucked but atleast it gave me something to write about. The past few weeks have been really slow...first I got sick, then went home for some rest. Now that I'm back, I tried hard to think of a topic for my new post....my mind's all blank. My blogger buddies are participating in competitions... technology, movies and the like. I don't do that.

Why not write something about current events? In any case I'm used to reading my blog like a diary so this'll come in handy as a history reference in the future :-p

Commonwealth Games- 70,000 crores of wealth shared commonly between the organisers. They did such a fine job at it... falling bridges, false(lol) ceilings falling to the ground, filthy buildings, snakes in bed, paw marks on bedsheets...the list goes on. This merely reinforces a point we all know already. Corruption is everywhere- right from the smallest of offices to the grandest of board rooms.

Ayodhya - The nation sat in mute silence, paramilitary forces were bought in, shops downed there shutters in what was undoubtedly the most awaited verdict since independance. Political parties were ready with their agendas... whichever way the verdict went they had something to gain from it. Elaborating on this is unnecessary. What they did not anticipate was this: normal
folk had long let go and give a _ _ about the outcome. As it were, the verdict was met with calm and dignity, as our PC himself put it. Any hopes of the communal forces on either side were put out in a puff.

So corruption is at an all time high and babus are busy filling their coffers, On the bright side common people have moved on from this communal crap. We were fragile once and communal political forces exploited us to their advantage. We are now mature, open minded and tolerant.

Image Courtesy: Found this funny cartoon on blogger friend Iswarya's FB profile. Kindof sums up the whole issue, nai?

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