wPage : New and notable on the web
The web is such a vast place,there are hundreds of websites that remain undiscovered. we tend to stick with the popular ones and trust Google with just about anything: Jobs,gadgets,you name it.
Yesterday I came across this page by PC Mag listing the "100 best undicovered websites"
Some of the interesting entries are:
Oddee.com ------- Well, this one is not new. It's been on my favorites list for over a year now. Everyhing from strange diseases to the wierdest gadgets
are listed here with pictures. The presentation is neat and no annoying popups.
taggalaxy.de ------ An innovative image seach engine that lists search resluts in an interactive solar system. The images are then shown in thumbnail view
on each planet. very cute but heavy on resources so you need a fairly fast internet connection.
searchme.com ------ Another seach engine worth mentioning. It uses an Apple cover flow like interface which gives it an uber cool look.
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