November 16, 2009

Calm before the Estorm

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for not is our salvation nearer than when we believed."

It's funny how I never get to sleep well a day before important events. No matter how much I tried the constant whizzing of my computer and the hum of a distant generator kept bugging me until I knew there was no way I was going to sleep. I kept staring at the ceiling and the fan and tried to plan a schedule for the coming day(damned if it worked). I even gulped down a glass of Tang hoping the glucose might help. Thankfully I fell asleep at around 4.

I woke to the annoying shrill of my 'rooster' alarm at precisely 6:00 A.M. Changed quickly and started at 7:00. Boarded Route 13 at NMDC and tried to get some sleep. Our driver 'chacha' ensured I got very little(he never slows down at speed bumps).

At college, had light breakfast and headed straight to the exam office where I was met with an expected response : "yeh koi time hai. Baadme aao". May I add "baar baar aao", sir? I sticked around and got my hallticket atlast.

Had to catch an RTC bus on my way back. Uneventful journey save for the fact that the bus itself was the worst I ever saw, period. Man, the stink! I opened the window wide to stick out my head every once in a while for air.

First Exam day after tomorrow: Embedded Systems. hick!

The weather was great today btw. I love these clouds. So white, so pure,so free. So unlike me...


Unknown said...

its so true dat we never get ample sleep b4 important events.. n mostly b4 exams n all.. i think one of the reasons cud be dat our brain is too winded abt the oncoming doesnt wanna take a break.. n abt the "badme ao, baar baar ao"-sir.. i bet therez is such a character in every college! :P
the one in our college has got a big mustache n we call him "ravan"!
anyways all the best for ur embedded systems' exam!

Aziz Siddiqui said...

ya you're right. lol,'ravan'!
Thanks! only luck can get me thru this one,believe me.